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Semillas 8 / Resurrección

Reportaje a Jaime Miranda Bambarén



Video / 02:24'

Colección MICROMUSEO ("al fondo hay sitio")

Jaime Miranda Bambarén
(Monumento Films)
Semillas 8 / Resurrección /
/ Reportaje a Jaime Miranda Bambarén
Video / 02:24′
(“al fondo hay sitio”)
Derechos reservados (Copyright):
Jaime Miranda Bambarén
Transparencia (Disclosure):
este video entrelaza ficciones y datos reales
(this video interweaves fiction and fact)

Declaraciones a la prensa por parte de Jaime Miranda Bambarén, autor de Semillas (Resurrección), una monumental intervención artística en el patio central del Centro Cultural Conde Duque, en Madrid. (Amplia información en la correspondiente Ruta de MICROMUSEO).

Transcripción traducida:

“The Seeds installation acts in this space as a game of mirrors. My raw materials are eucalyptus trees from viceroyal times. The remains of plundered trees. I travel a lot through the mountains and the jungle, encountering this sow of death. I then attempt to restore a certain dignity to these looted remains.

The starting point is certainly ecological. That is an important theme, but it is just the starting point. The installation is also related to the spiritual. My relationship with wood derives… perhaps I could explain it with a metaphor: if you carry a human skull in your arms, the question about what is alive and what is dead arises immediately, but in a very special way.

These trees come from the area of Pisco and Cajamarca —around Cajamarca and precisely on the roads that Pizarro traveled, very close to a cemetery, the cemetery of Santa Ana, where he encamped in Cajabamba. And this is important in multiple ways because of the architecture that embraces us here.

I believe this is the best version of the Seeds installation.

One of its culminating moments”.

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